Withdrawn From Sale




Birth Year






PRE-SALE ANNOUNCEMENT, SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: Wish has received two recent "dings" which she did not have when we took her original photos taken August 13th, 2024. Both have been examined by a licensed veterinarian and we have decided to keep her in the sale due to our confidence that both are temporary injuries/blemishes that do not affect her performance or soundness. Photographs taken on September 10th, 2024 are now included in her gallery, showing both 'dings' so you are able to see exactly what they currently look like.
1) Thickened/enlarged area and subtle scratch mark on right hock, presumably from getting kicked or whacking it on something. X-rayed on September 5th and x-rays evaluated by 2 separate vet clinics. Both said the joints in her hock are clean and they see no threat to her current or future soundness. She has been 100% sound throughout. Swelling/enlargement has slowly been subsiding since September 5th and is expected to either go away completely, or have some residual enlargement due to the possibility of soft tissue scarring.
2) Poked her left eye on pasture and currently has a blue spot in it. Examined by a vet on September 5th, he was very comfortable that it simply needed treated with a standard ophthalmic antibiotic and time. Her vision appears fully unaffected even now while the injury is fresh. Eye has been visibly improving and is being treated. We treat many of these each year and expect it to fully disappear or at the worst, leave a small white spot.

To stand behind her, we are happy to keep Wish here and continue treating her eye until it finishes healing, and are going to extend Wish's Good Fit Guarantee until October 31st, 2024 so that her new owner has time to let her heal up and still have a period of time afterwards to get to know her under saddle. If you have questions about any of this, please feel free to contact Hailey at 307-298-5030 or horses@wyodiamond.com. We are still offering her in our Fall sale because we are confident that these two things will heal up nicely and continue to not affect her soundness or performance! However, if you are uncomfortable with any of this, we ask that you refrain from bidding on her, as all bids are NON-RETRACTABLE and bids CANNOT BE REMOVED once they are placed. Zero exceptions.

This little mare is a like a dream come true! Wish is family approved, kind and gentle, cute as a bug’s ear and has the solid reliability that we all crave. One of her best features is her gaits… this girl is smooooth moving at a lope and even smoother at a trot! She has an excellent neck rein and stops deep on her hindquarters. She’s a horse that you don’t have to peddle when riding out, but you also don’t have to hold back. We have entrusted Wish with guests from age 12 to 68 for trail rides and she has gifted each with confidence and an enjoyable ride. I often ride with my toddlers behind the saddle and she doesn’t mind a bit! She stays gentle and consistent-minded with time off, is an easy keeper, and has gotten along well in our mixed herd of mares and geldings. Wish has moved cows, roped and dragged a handful of calves at brandings and given lessons to all levels of riders and kept her steady nature throughout. She has also spent some time as a junior rodeo horse and can step up to be quite handy!

Wish is simple and easy to trail ride and has the disposition and resume to suit anyone on our place from timid visitor to professional trainer. She is well put together, has required no maintenance, packs a notable pedigree and checks all the boxes of a truly quality equine. An ideal family-style horse for young and old! Ridden by Hannah Gutenberger and family. For more information contact Diamond Land & Livestock at 307-298-5030 or horses@wyodiamond.com.

Height: 14.1 and 1/2 hands
Weight: 1100 lbs

PLEASE NOTE: Much to our disappointment, Wish's AQHA papers have become irretrievable at AQHA so she now sells with PtHA registration only